

This course will be held at our CooperSurgical Center of Excellence, Livingston, New Jersey, USA

Course Objectives

Participants will learn the principles of cryobiology, including vitrification, and examine clinical data from the scientific literature. This course also includes demonstrations of the vitrification cooling and warming procedures followed by the opportunity for some hands-on work using examples of open and closed devices as well as DMSO and DMSO-free systems.


  • Principles of Cryobiology including comparison of slow freezing and vitrification
  • Vitrification Systems
  • Optimizing cooling and warming protocols

Course Design

  • 1-day course
  • Lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on practical sessions
  • Up to 12 participants
  • This course is targeted towards embryologists looking to learn the vitrification techniques or optimize results

Minimum Experience

Working as a clinical embryologist.


Course fee is $500. Transportation and accommodation are not included. Lunch and refreshments will be provided during the course.


To register your interest or if you require more information, please email [email protected]


Find the full yearly schedule on this page.