Titan-IVF Workstation
Titan-IVF Workstation A compact, unique size IVF workstation where sample protection is required. Key Features Compact single work-space workstation to fit any laboratory [...]
Mars-IVF Class II Workstation
Mars-IVF Class II Workstation A range of specialized Class II IVF workstations where both operator and sample protection are required. Key Features Even [...]
Fortuna-IVF Workstation
Fortuna-IVF Workstation Standard IVF workstation range designed to work in assisted conception processes and procedures, offering superior HEPA filtered (99.97% efficiency for a [...]
Glass Incubator Hoods
Glass Incubator Hoods Ideal for maintaining pH and osmolarity in media. Protect the media from being cooled by the airflow in the workstation Using [...]
K-Systems Warming Blocks
K-Systems™ Warming Blocks To maintain and preserve the temperature in the media during operation, a wide range of warming blocks for dishes, tubes and [...]
L124 IVF Workstation
L124 IVF Workstation Our Workstations are designed for optimal working conditions in the Embryo and Andrology lab and to provide a safe and optimized [...]
L124 IVF ICSI Workstation
L124 IVF ICSI Workstation Workplace for performing ICSI / IMSI Designed as one workplace and prepared for an inverted microscope - for performing ICSI/IMSI [...]
L126 IVF Dual Workstation
L126 IVF Dual Workstation Prepared for two Stereomicroscopes A dual workstation offers the potential to simultaneously set up a perfect rotation system / organize [...]
L126 IVF Workstation
L126 IVF Workstation Workstations prepared for one Stereo Microscope Our Workstations are designed for optimal working conditions in the Embryo and Andrology lab and to [...]
L126MP Workstation
L126MP Workstation Cost and space saving Workstation with Integrated Anti-Vibration facilities. Designed as two workplaces - the right side is for mounting of a [...]
Tosoh Analyzers
Tosoh Analyzers Tosoh Bioscience has been a pioneer in the field of automated immunoassay systems. Their line of Automated Immunoassay Analyzers (AIA) delivers accurate [...]
Olympus Inverted Microscopes
Olympus Inverted Microscopes A Fast, Automated Microscope Solution Designed for ICSI/IMSI. Models IX73 Standard & Premium solution Availability This product [...]
Scanfuge Centrifuges
Scanfuge Centrifuges Scanfuge is a line of low speed centrifuges, CE marked as general lab equipment. Key Features Available in 2 sizes for different [...]
Anti Vibration Table
Anti Vibration Table A maintenance free passive anti-vibration solution for Inverted microscopes used for ICSI, IMSI and Embryo biopsy. Key Features Exclusively designed [...]
AV1 Anti Vibration Table
K-Systems™ AV1 Anti Vibration Table Designed and developed to meet the requirements of ICSI Procedures. The Anti Vibration Table AV1 is able to handle [...]
Warming Plates – T45 & T47
K-Systems™ Warming Plates - T45 & T47 Elegant Warming plates with integrated control panel. The compact design and integrated control panel makes the T45 [...]
G73 Block Warmer
K-Systems™ G73 Block Warmer For heating of samples in test tubes. Ideal for all sample tubes requiring a stable heating environment. The highly visible [...]
Gas Analyzer
Gas Analyzer Accurate incubator verification tool Key Features Handheld CO2 & O2 Gas Analyser Quick verification of incubator concentartion levels Built-in gas moisture [...]
K-Systems Thermometer
Precision Thermometer For calibrating flat bed incubators and workstations The ASL WIKA CTH7000 precision thermometer is a resistive type thermometer with an accuracy of ±0.02 [...]