Webinar Date: June 16

Webinar Description
This webinar introduces
 the participants to the scientific basis and the clinical application for achieving success rates with IVM that are now approaching those achieved with IVF. 

Webinar Objectives
The webinar is intended to provide participants with a clear understanding of the patient groups most amenable to IVM treatment, their clinical management and the laboratory approaches to achieving optimal oocyte maturation. 

Target Audience
Reproductive clinicians, nurses, counsellors,
 embryologists and scientists 

Educational needs and expected outcomes
It is assumed that participants wish to better appreciate the basic and clinical research that has improved our understanding and clinical application of oocyte maturation

Required prior knowledge for participation in webinar
Basic appreciation of the field of Reproductive Biology and Assisted Reproduction Technology


Session One 1-2 pm CET/9-10 pm AEST Sydney/7-8 am EDT New York REGISTER NOW