Allison Campbell PhD
Director of Embryology, CARE Fertility Group
- Group Director of Embryology for CARE Fertility.
- Responsible for 13 IVF laboratories in the UK and Ireland, performing around 10,000 fresh and frozen treatment cycles with 100 scientists.
- Consultant Embryologists and Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists
- Author/coauthor of over 50 publications and 100 abstracts
- Developer, implementor and author of time lapse algorithms development to predict live birth
- Executive Board member of Alpha scientists in Reproductive Medicine.
- Section Editor of RMBO
- Associate Editor of Human Reproduction
- Established a dedicated training facility for IVF professionals 2018, Manchester, UK
- Member of several scientific advisory boards
- Main interests are fertilsation, embryo development and selection, optimisation of IVF lab processes and training and development of reproductive scientists.
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