Karen Sage

Karen Sage MSc GC

Co-Founder, Fertility Genetics

Karen is a founder partner of Fertility Genetics, graduated in Biology and Genetics, was a postgraduate in education certificate and later gained a Master’s degree in Genetic Counselling from Cardiff University, Wales. Karen is one of the first UK’s Genetic Counsellors specialising in fertility and has led the Genetic Services at leading IVF centres in the country.

Karen is specialised in genetic counselling of patients undergoing preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic diseases (PGT-M), structural rearrangements (PGT-SR) and aneuploidy (PGT-A), preconception enhanced carrier screening, and has experience in general, prenatal and cancer genetics.

With a background in industry and education, Karen worked at the National Genetics Education and Development Centre (NGEDC) in Birmingham, UK, now called Health Education England (HEE), producing education materials for healthcare practitioners working in specialized areas of the National Health Service England (NHSE) to help prepare the workforce for the mainstream integration of genetics/genomics into routine clinical practice.

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