Bin Gu Msc
Clinical Application Manager, CooperSurgical Fertility Solutions
Bin Gu graduated from Soochow University with a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology in 2005. Right after graduation, Bin started his career as a clinical embryologist in Suzhou Municipal Hospital, China, where he learned everything about clinical embryology and became an experienced embryologist.
After 11 years of practical work in the lab, Bin took his new role as a Technical Application Scientist for Great China & Asia Pacific (ART & Cyto) in Irvine Scientific (which is now known as FujiFilm Irvine Scientific), being responsible for clinical support in ART. He assisted embryologists in the setup of their laboratories, performs audits and advice on the specificities of the different ART laboratory techniques as well as on the flow of the different laboratory processes.
Bin finished his Master of Science in Chinese University of Hong Kong, majored in Reproductive Medicine & Clinical Embryology in 2022. He is now working with CooperSurgical as Clinical Application Manager.