Alyssa Jones, ASRM 2023

In her presentation titled “Compelling Rationale for Integrating PGT-CompleteSM into your PGT Testing Protocol,” Facility Manager and Embryologist, Alyssa* candidly shares her  experience with PGT-Complete and cases where the test has positively impacted the patient fertility journey, experience and outcomes.

Icons-tickHow the Parental QC feature helped reduce the anxiety of a patient and could potentially help safeguard clinics from intentional fraud.

Icons-tickHow Genetic PN checks have enabled several additional transfers and produced a live birth.

Icons-tick How the Origin of Aneuploidy feature helped a family accept clinician recommendations for their fertility care journey.

Icons-tickThe benefit of conducting buccal swabs on all gamete providers.

Listen to her patient stories illustrate why Alyssa continues to use our PGT-CompleteSM test for her PGT-A testing, and why she recommends you consider doing the same.

*Alyssa received an honorarium for this testimonial