Marijke Linssen MA
Fertility Coach, The Life Composer,
After obtaining her master’s degree in communication science at the University of Amsterdam, Marijke started working as an editor for television programs. Later on, she started her own practice as a coach, specialized in guiding men and women with an unfulfilled wish for children. Marijke is very motivated to draw attention to the mental strain of an unfulfilled desire to have children. She is the author of ‘A wish unfulfilled’, a guidebook for couples during fertility treatments.
She is frequently invited as a speaker and trainer to instruct doctors and nurses working in the field of fertility. Marijke made a documentary that is called ‘Verborgen verlangen’. She interviewed couples undergoing fertility treatment and filmed them over a period of 7 years. This sincere movie shows the diverse emotions these couples are going through in their journey of fulfilling their intense wish for having a child.
Marijke’s practice is called the Life Composer. Embedded in that name is the idea that she wants her clients to understand: you compose your own piece of music with the notes you have been given in life, whether you wish for them or not. You will always be the composer, you are the one who decides the melody of your life. She is the creator and co-founder of the Child wish cafe, a gathering for people with an unfulfilled desire to have children, which is held at four different locations in the Netherlands. Linssen is also the creator of the app FertiReady. This app makes sure that fertility patients will be well informed at the start of their treatment.