Giovanni Coticchio

Giovanni Coticchio PhD

Scientific Director, 9.Baby

Giovanni Coticchio is the Scientific Director of 9.Baby – Family and Fertility Center, one of the largest IVF networks in Italy. Formerly, he was Research Coordinator of Biogenesi, Monza, Italy. He was educated at the University of Palermo (Italy) where he received his BSc in Biology and PhD in Cell and Developmental Biology. At the University of Nottingham (UK), he achieved his MMedSci degree in Assisted Reproduction Technologies and developed his research and career in clinical embryology.

Subsequently, he joined Tecnobios Procreazione (Bologna, Italy) where he worked as senior clinical embryologist and Research Coordinator. He has published seventy-seven peer-reviewed papers, several book chapters and two books. He is currently Chair of the SIG Committee of ESHRE.