
Course Description

Vitrification has become an indispensable part of IVF programs, and a successful program can contribute approximately 4% to the cumulative live birth rate. Participants will receive a clear understanding of the principles of cryobiology with a step-by-step guide to vitrification. This will include description of various vitrification systems, cooling and warming protocols and vitrification device, tips on loading and improving survival rates. We will also focus on factors that can affect the success of a vitrification program. Discussion includes the process, operator’s expectations, learning curves and KPIs, as well as traceability and the importance of control and close monitoring.

Minimal expertise required for participation in the Course

Participants should ideally be working in an IVF laboratory with cryopreservation program (whether clinically or academically), though no specific experience is required. 

Course Format

The course will be taught online, and the teaching methods will be adapted accordingly.

The course consists of 3 modules of 60 minutes including lecturing, exercises in breakout sessions, interactive questioning, and answering.

Educational methods

Lectures, discussions, breakout sessions in micro-groups for discussion and exercises. The participants will be provided with a course Syllabus.

The participant must have adequate Wi-Fi, camera, and audio to engage during the Course. Courses will be run via the Zoom and Teams platforms.

Target Audience

IVF Unit Managers, IVF Lab Managers, Chief Embryologists, Clinical Embryologists, Lab Technicians, Clinical Directors and Research Scientists wishing to learn about running a successful vitrificationrat program.

Course Objectives

To understand factors that can affect the success of a vitrification program and how to control them. 

Expected Outcomes

This Course aims to discuss

  • the principles of cryopreservation and the application of Vitrification in ART
  • the practical implmentation and management of a successful Vitrification program

Participants will gain an improved understanding of the techniques of sperm, oocyte and embryo vitrification along with the factors affecting the outcome.

Certificate of attendance

Participants can obtain a certificate of attendance after completing the Course evaluation at the end of the Course.


Find the full yearly schedule on this page.