Advancing technologies for reproductive genetics:
Where are we heading?
Dr Tony Gordon, Dr Santiago Munné and Dr Mark Hughes
in the Forum (Auditorium)
As we celebrate the 40th birthday of IVF, it’s an exciting time to be involved in this fast-paced and rapidly advancing branch of science. In this symposium, all our speakers are renowned experts in reproductive genetics, with extensive knowledge and experience gained through developing techniques commonly used today.
We will discuss how genetic testing is already improving outcomes for ART patients, as well as some of the challenges faced. We will also look towards the future, considering how genetic testing and editing technologies may evolve and the role they could play for patients in the next 40 years.
Where Are We Now: The Benefits and Challenges of Genetics in IVF
Dr Tony Gordon
Vice President Business Development, CooperGenomics
Next Steps in Preimplantation Genetic Testing
Dr Santiago Munné
Co-Founder, CooperGenomics
CRISPR-Cas9 in Assisted Reproduction: The Science and the Ethical Challenges
Dr Mark Hughes
Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer, CooperGenomics
Want to Know More About Advancing Technologies for Reproductive Genetics?
Meet Our Experts at the CooperSurgical Stand | Tuesday, July 3
Carry on the conversation by joining our speakers at our stand on Tuesday afternoon. Dr Tony Gordon, Dr Santiago Munné and Dr Mark Hughes will be on hand to answer your questions and expand upon the topics raised in the symposium.